What happened…

I had been asked by Maggie, our CEO, to do a presentation on how I was going to train the sales teams and ambassadors, in order to help them sell this very unique and high-priced champagne.

I spent weeks perfecting my presentation and when the day finally arrived I stepped into the dim board room and as the silver light of the projector painted the wall behind me with the images I had so carefully chosen, I felt more confident and ready than maybe ever before. Unfortunately, the presentation was a complete failure. According to Maggie, it was boring and way too technical.  She said, “People don’t buy products, they buy emotions”. I was devastated and over the weeks that followed, I began to realize that she was right. My passion had driven me to become an “expert”, but unfortunately, it had also distanced me from why I had fallen in love with champagne in the first place and over time, replaced emotion with product knowledge. I knew I had two options “get better or get out”.

I spent the next year learning everything I could about communication skills, storytelling, and luxury selling and was amazed not just by what I discovered, but how rare it was for these techniques to be fully utilized by businesses, even in the luxury industry.

I started training others and eventually, I was asked to be part of the LVMH Brand Education Steering Committee, responsible for creating Storytelling and training guidelines for the group.

Over the years I studied and developed new methods for generating results through communication and experiences. Eventually, I decided to start my own company to help others overcome the same obstacles I had faced. As a result, I have been privileged to help some of the most iconic brands in the world on their journey to create an emotional impact.