Why Communication is Key


What we say and how we say it, is extremely important, but why?  

According to studies, over 80% of human decisions are made based on emotion. However, it seems that only a fraction of companies uses emotional understanding and methods in their communication and training programs.


Think of the tech start-up founder who tries to get investors by pitching the “unique” coding of his block-chain algorithms.

Or the retail person who tries to sell a luxury wine using tasting notes. Or the recruiter who tries to attract top employees by highlighting the company’s generic values. You get the point.


In other words, most companies and professionals base their communication on either abstract marketing messages that don’t really mean anything and can’t be used with trade clients, or common and rare messages that are easy to copy and difficult to understand. This type of communication won’t help you stand out in the long run, create emotions, or leave a lasting memory. And when your audience doesn’t have any emotional connection to you or your brand, it is easy for them to replace you with something else.

So, what can you do to change this and make you and your brands stand out from the crowd? What can you do help your sales team increase sales and prices? What can you do to attract investors and recruit the best teams?