Hebla is a storytelling and business training consultancy with a long history working for luxury brands. We design and facilitate corporate training and customer experiences.


Did you know that leaders, as well as many other business roles for that matter, spend more than 80% of their time communicating?

In addition to helping some of the world most admired brands develop their storytelling content and strategy, we also help business leaders and key people reach their full potential through improved communication skills. Check out this video with our CEO Christoffer Wahlberg to learn more about personal storytelling skills.


Did you know that having great communication is like having a pet giraffe when all your competitors are walking around with a golden retriever? In other words, it makes you stand out!

Most start-ups and businesses don’t have a pet giraffe, or a great story to tell and as a result, rely on product features and struggle to connect to their audience or stand out from competition.

That is where Christoffer Wahlberg and Hebla consulting comes in.

Christoffer has been working helped transform the communication strategy and designed storytelling tools for some of the leading luxury brands of the world like Hennessy, Krug, Dior, Sephora, Veuve Cliquot, Slush and many more.



Christoffer Wahlberg
CEO and Founder

I was ten years old when I fell in love with Champagne. Of course, I didn’t drink it at the time. But I remember my grandfather opening a bottle at a family party one time, and suddenly seeing the adults become excited, dance, and to behave almost like children. Having spent a large part of my childhood in hospitals, isolated from social life due to rare kidney disease, I had built up an image in my mind of what “parties” would be like. Unfortunately, these “parties” never seemed to live up to those expectations. All that change with the pop of a cork.

I was instantly captivated and wondered how something so simple could have such a huge emotional impact. That was when I decided that one day, I was going to work for a great Champagne house. It took me almost twenty years of hard work and learning about the industry until my dream came true and I finally stepped through the dark cherry-colored gates of Krug Champagne as their first-ever Global Head of Education and Training. Unfortunately, almost immediately, that was when things started to go wrong.
